Sunday, April 1, 2012

Written expression exam practice

Just a quick update. The last two nights I've managed to do a practice question from the written expression section of the Modellsatz currently available here. In terms of content, I think it's going fine. In terms of correctness, I think it's currently just passable. In terms of time, it's not going great :-) The first time I did this type of practice, I did it all on my computer and just made it. It actually never occurred to me that it would be a written exam, despite all information I had already read which stated that very clearly. Just a case of wishful thinking really.

So, I've been getting that familiar writing cramp I used to experience back in University exams. I can't say that I've missed it at all! The only good news is that I did indeed manage to finish my answer tonight within the 65 minutes allowed, including time to make a neat copy (that takes me 20 minutes!). Although I let the neatness of my "neat" copy slide drastically when I was running out of time :-)

I've sent both answers off to one of my German-speaking friends for some comments, but since they are on their honeymoon, I'm not expecting an answer any time soon! I might post my answers here at some stage in order to elicit some feedback from you readers out there, but I don't want to put it up as an example of how to do it well because, even once most of the mistakes have been corrected, I still will have no idea whether the examiners would like them and what marks they would assign.

This is one of those times when I would like to have done an exam preparation course, because then I would get some directly relevant feedback that I'm currently lacking. At this stage, I think I can only do my best, keep practicing, and get some small modicum of feedback once I get my results for the actual exam!

If anyone can point me to a link with examples of the B2 exam's written section (and the oral exam too would be great!!), please let me know in the comments.


  1. Are these any good to you:

    They are different exams at the same level. I found them when looking for B1 exams but I now think I might aim for B2.

    1. Thanks for those, rabbitliver! Actually, I meant to type "examples", as in, examples of it being done properly :-) I've actually since found one example which I mention in my most recent post ( Scroll write down to the bottom to see what I meant to ask about.
      Actually, I still need extra practice in the written section. My former German teacher (for 1 hour per week, for 8-10 weeks in a group class, or whatever it was) was kind enough to read through one of my practice questions so far and correct it. It's a sea of red! Still, she said some kind words about my german progress (and coming from her, a real old school language perfectionist, I take that as a nice compliment) and that my uncorrected version would "probably pass" in the exam. In the last few days before my exam I hope to get that up to a "should at least pass" :-)

      I've been meaning to comment on your blog - keep up the good work. When I get more time I will write something, but just briefly, I really think you should aim for the B2 exam at least. B1 will be too easy for you!!
