Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A few days of holiday...

Just finished up an extra long weekend. Despite my intention to power through a lot of German study, I only kept up with my Anki and worked on some of those crosswords I mentioned previously, but I didn't do much beyond that. I should have been able to at least finish lesson 15, but I'm finding it a bit boring. I also discovered this book in the small collection of books where we were staying and felt compelled to finish it before I left. I expect to be able to finish lesson 15 tomorrow... ish... Like I said, I find this one less interesting than previous ones - it's a series of postcards with no real continuous story. They are simply intended to show the different levels of formal address required in writing - actually quite an importatant topic! I just can't get into it :-)

As I mentioned before, I have put the word out with two more German-speakers at my office. It's been a week with no reply. I wonder if they never received the email, or perhaps their silence is my answer. Germans can be like that - if they think the answer is obvious, they won't write you anything to confirm details, etc. Now I'm not sure what to do - should I try them again and risk annoying them? I really need to find more German practice partners, and work seems like the perfect place to find them. I do have one already, and she has been incredibly helpful in just one lunch. I'll be having another lunch with her either tomorrow or the next day, but I did hope to find more. The search continues...

Which reminds me - I really must organise to meet up with my Austrian friends sometime soon and perhaps figure out something regular. I'll write more once I've got something sorted.

Anyone have any suggestions on how I could get my German co-workers to respond affirmatively to my request for occasional meetups? I lived in Germany for six months, but I never really managed to crack the German social code :-)

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