Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free online tests to assess your German level

In the last couple of days I've tried a couple of online tests to guage my current level. The first one I present here is actually a test to assess for readiness for the Deutsch als Fremdsprache test, which is a B2 level exam, often taken as an entry requirement for German universities. The test can be found here. Here is my result:

Ihr Ergebnis im Lückentest und Ihre Chancen beim TestDaF

Sie haben 19 Punkte erreicht.

The site says that the further you are into the blue section, the better your chances in the TestDaF. So... my chances would be low, but not terrible. Still, I'd much rather be hitting the top end of this scale before attempting the test!

The other test was from a pretty good website called Deutsch Perfekt. A fair bit of free stuff there, and practice exercises to suit three different levels. Their assessment test gives an indication of which level of material would be most suitable for you. For me it recommended the middle level and said I was somewhere around B1 level. As I wrote some time ago, I have already decided I would be able to pass the B1 exam. So either I'm going nowhere, or my progress has just been quite slow. I do definitely feel I've made progress, but it's not measurably at the next level up yet, unfortunately.

I really feel like B2 level is a significant step up from B1 in terms of fluency of speech and comprehension. Like I've mentioned before, you're supposed to understand most of what's going on in a German movie by B2, and I'm not there yet!

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