Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Examples of the spoken section (Mündlicher Teil) of various Goethe-Zertifikat test levels

Just a short one to share some links I found recently of examples of candidates sitting various levels of the Goethe Zertifikat exams. The exams are probably pretty similar for TestDaF, so these should be a good guide. As I found while I was preparing for the B2 exam, there are no examples available for the B2 or C1 exams. I wrote to Goethe at the time and they just basically replied to say "there's no such thing available". Basically, they were just fobbing me off :-) So please, if you're preparing for either of those exams, or even just if you're curious to see what those levels look like when done well, write to Goethe and request that they make more recordings available. Maybe we can start a groundswell :-)

Anyway, without further ado, here are the examples I've found for the various levels:


There's also this video for B1 level that's an example of the kind of introductions you need to be able to do at that level.

What I noticed is that A1 is not a complete doddle but it's clearly very formulaic. It would probably be fairly easy to pass it with just a bit of drilling for the exam itself. Although that may not be the best Einführung into the German language, it would make the task of passing the exam easier if that's all you want to do.

Tschau for now!

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