Friday, March 30, 2012

Knaller Frauen

[Allen Deutschmuttersprachlern: Es tut mir leid, wenn ihr hier zufällig gelandet habt. Mein Blog ist kein Fansite für diese Sendung! Es ist nur ein Art Tagesbuch, in dem ich über meine Erfahrungen mit Deutsch schreiben. ABER - wenn ihr mir helfen könnt, wie man Sat1-Sendungen online und kostenlos anschauen kann, ohne in Deutschland zu leben, dann wäre ich super-dankbar!]

Just a quick one to share a link to a funny show that you can watch online for free - and you don't have to live in Germany!

It's called Knaller Frauen. Not sure what it means exactly - maybe "Firecrackers", or "Bombshells"? Not sure. It's just a comedy sketch show - some hit, some miss, but I found it very easy to follow so I'm sure others will as well. Here's a link to a recent episode.

There are plenty of other shows there - not sure what's available to watch in full yet, but when I get a chance I'll try to check it out more.

Now I've got to go practice the long written part of the exam. And yes, I'm writing it out by hand, because I'll have to for the real exam. Sigh...

Just about 18 days to go till my B2 exam, by the way...

[UPDATE: As of today, none of the tv shows on the sat1 website are available outside Germany (or at least, in Australia!) anymore. I was watching part of a show last night "Der letze Bulle" which was pretty good. Man. Why can't shit just be free, and freely available? Copyright sucks :-) ]


  1. I can't watch it in the Country I'm living in at the moment! Do you know any other links?

  2. Sorry, Petite Fée! I'm pretty sure it just doesn't work anymore outside of Germany. If you find a way around it, let us all know!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. x-zenon-x said:
      *link deleted*
      here you will find knallerfrauen .. and stromberg and other german series's

      i am at A2 ... and i am bored of the course materials (tangram) ... how did you study german ??

      i already shifted to an independent vocabulary book and grammar book ! ....

      tell me about your experience"

      G'day x-zenon-x! I'm not sure if you did it unintentionally, but google's safebrowsing reports the movie2k website as being a vector for various types of malicious software, so I've removed the link and your original post to avoid inconveniencing my other readers, but thanks for trying to help out!

      As for your question - you've come to the right place! This website documents almost my whole experience of learning German so you can see in detail what I actually did. Some of the posts that distill what I learnt a bit can be found here:


      A really brief list would be:

      * Do Assimil's "German with Ease" to get to B1-ish level.
      * Find speaking partners to meet with on a regular basis.
      * Use Anki for your new words.
      * Find interesting podcasts. Translate a few yourself with free online tools and you'll quickly find them more accessible.
      * To pass the Goethe Zertifikat B2 I also practiced all the sample tests I could find (some from other German language certifying bodies) and used the book "Lesetraining B2" which I've mentioned many times in the blog. A book like this was essential for forcing me to improve my vocabulary and accurate reading. I added every single word that I didn't know to my Anki list.

      I did other stuff too, but I see the above as the core. Chatting to people helps keep the interest up, along with listening to interesting podcasts, of which there are many in German. A good place to start would be

      Good luck!

    2. hey... its x-zenon-x again ... are old assimil versions okay too ?? i found one that was published on 1965 :D ?? and another one of 1989 ??

      which one did you use ? the older one is 126 lektionen

    3. I don't really know about older versions, though I think mine is the 1999 edition. I would be wary about getting the 1965 version or you might end up trying to learn some slightly old fashioned phrases. Some of the stuff in my edition already seemed a tad aged :-) So I would say, get the most recent edition you can, along with the matching audio.

  4. hi crno, thanks alot for your response ... so my computer is infected now :D ? haha thanks for telling me lol

    well i already started doing such things ... hmm i have few questions for you though ,

    1- how big was your anki deck when it was time for the exam ?? .... how much do i expect to memorize for the b2 ?

    2- how long did it take you from the time you started studying german until you took the exam ?? i know you was not free but i would like to know ..

    3- finally ... how good is assimil ? and why isn't it famous :D ?

    1. 1) Not exactly sure, but when I finished the book "Leseverstehen B2" which I've mentioned many times on my blog, I had 1300 facts in my main Anki list which probably represents at least 2,600 German words and phrases on its own due to the way I structure my Anki lists. See here: and hereL If you can comprehend all of a book like "Leseverstehen B2" I think you can be confident that you have *enough* words.

      2 - Check out my blog! I started this blog shortly after I really got into studying German *after* already having departed German, where I lived and worked in an English bubble. Read my first one or two posts and then work out how long it was till I took the B2 exam. That's how long I took to get 89/100 in the B2 exam.

      3 - I like Assimil a lot, and it is famous in certain circles. See the forums. From what I understand, some Assimil editions aren't as good as others, so read up reviews. I believe that for getting a really good start, especially with listening and reading comprehension, you can't go past them in general. Opinions, of course, vary widely however :-)
